Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My Doctrine is Christ's Doctrine

Hey everyone,
So first things first congratulations to JW and Jess for the new member of their family. I heard that you named him Charles John and you're calling him Charlie but he will forever be Moose to me. He looks so much like James it's crazy. Since I can't be there to impart my wisdom to him for the next two years I request that you teach him only two things. 1. Teach him to love the UTES! 2. Teach him to love Panda Express. If you can teach him those two things he'll be successful in life. Mom that is such an amazing experience that you had and I would love if you wrote me about it in more detail because that is so awesome. Dad it turns out that I have been spelling my name wrong this whole time. It's actually spelled Huaj Vam and it means Hope. I'll try and get Hmong names for the rest of you sometime soon. Mom I have to tell you a way funny story that happened with me and my companion. I was showing him pictures of our family and I showed him the one of when me and you were standing next to each other outside the Englands house at Junior Prom and he asked if you were my girlfriend. I laughed so hard and when he asked me why I was laughing I told him that it was my mom. 
   This week was so awesome and I had a lot of really cool experiences that have been a huge blessing. During one of my classes we had two native Hmong elders who were leaving to serve in Wisconsin the next day but they wanted to come talk to us. They testified to us about the importance of missions and it was really cool but even cooler than that, they talked about how grateful they were to all of us for going to teach their people. Then one of the elders got in our districts faces a little bit and told us that we needed to learn more and work harder. It was really good for our district to hear and we have been working a lot harder ever since. Also we had two devotionals, one on Sunday and one Tuesday and both of them were crazy awesome. The speaker Sunday said something that I don't think I will ever forget. He told us a quote from Bruce R. McConkie(pretty sure I spelled that wrong) and he says this, "My acts are Christ's acts, My voice is Christ's voice, and my doctrine is Christ's doctrine." During our district review after our devotional things were going well but not quite as well as they were in past reviews. I stood up and promised the elders 3 things. I told them they would learn the language faster, feel the Spirit more strongly, and serve a successful full time mission if they could tell themselves each night when they went to sleep that, "Today my acts were His acts, My voice was His voice, and His doctrine was my doctrine." After my testimony one of the elders stood up and bore one of the most powerful testimonies I have ever heard and he promised all of us that he was oing to work hard to learn the language
and be a good missionary. It has been amazing to see the change in him since that night.
     Something pretty scary happened last night. I was talking to one of the Elders in my district and he told me how he had been crying himself to sleep like every night and that he had been thinking of going home. I was absolutely terrified because I love him so much. I told him that before we said anything else we should say a prayer. After the prayer we talked for a little bit and he's doing a lot better now and he's working hard to learn the language. It really has been a miracle to see how much God looks out for His missionaries and wants them to succeed.
     So yeah things are going really well here now and this week has been amazing. I hope Jameser gets feeling better and that Moose does well. I love you all.

Elder Huaj Vam

Me and my Hmong brothers Elder Lee on the right and Elder Vang on the far left My companion Elder Pratt in the middle

Just takin' out the trash

Me and Elder Pratt bein downright fabulous

P.S. Shoutout to Liggy for his killer farewell talk. Even though I wasn't there I'm sure it was stellar because I'm pretty sure he used quotes from my talk(at least he told me he would.) Shoutout to K. Amachur for gettin his call to serve the people of Compton. Shoutout to Hessman for being to legit. Shoutout to RJ for representin SAN D until at least October 30 and being a boss at Smash Bros

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