Monday, November 17, 2014

The Flat Tire

Want to know the biggest joke of the year, this week someone told me that the average life expectancy of a snowman in Minnesota is 6 months. Crazy right? Yes the snow is here and yes it is cold but honestly it isn't even bad. You just have to wear like thirty coats and everything is fine.
     Last night I learned a great lesson on making lemons out of lemonade. We were driving down to Bloomington for a fireside that they have at the mission home where recent converts share their experiences and how they came into the church. While we were driving down there (in one of the members cars) our tire blewout on the freeway and we had to pullover. We just changed it so it was fine but since we were late to the meeting we decided to have our own fireside in the car and have everyone in the car share their conversion experience. It was amazing. All of them were recent converts except for our investigator and so their stories were so powerful. At the end of it we asked our investigator (whose name is K) to share her experience with meeting with us and also the first time that she felt the Spirit. At first she was a little hesitant but as she told her story the Spirit was so strong and everyone in the car knew that K could feel it. It was super sweet. She is P's daughter and has a lot of doubts about if this is the right path for her but when she bore her testimony she answered a lot of her own questions and it really helped out. So it turns out the flat tire was really a pretty huge blessing in disguise.
     The family of 6 that we are teaching is doing great. We taught the Law of Chastity on Saturday and it went way well. They are culturally married (of course) and the wife K has been divorced in the past. When we committed them to be married legally and live the Law of Chastity she brought up a fake excuse and my companion and I just sat there and stared at her. After a little bit she admitted that it was actually just her fear since she has been divorced once before that she would have to go through that again. We fasted with her on Sunday and are going back tomorrow night to see what's up. Pray for her.
      But yeah everything is A+ up here in the land of the frozen chozen and I absolutely love. Elder Hardy and I have been focusing a lot on The Book of Mormon lately in our studies and with our investigators and it is amazing to see the power that it has to change people's lives. So if you haven't read it... you should. Love you all and have a great week.

Also forgot one other thing. Shoutout to my older smaller brother Tanner who is one of 3 coolest older brother you could have for getting hitched. I wish you and Misa the best and have just one piece advice , happy wife= happy life. Goodluck you crazy cats and I can't wait to see pics of the wedding. I really hope you put a cardboard cutout of me there.
To Misa: Welcome to the fam. There are only two requirements and if you pass these you should be good. #1. Love the Utes #2. You have to know a bunch of quotes from Heavyweights and Rocketman. If you don't fulfill one of those requirements it's totally cool, there is still time.

So mom I don't know if you can help me with this but I lost my retainer last week and I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to get a new one. Also my trainer A.K.A. my father Elder Xiong is standing right next to me and he says hi to the fam.

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