Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Who Do You Want To Find?

     This week has been pretty great. It's Tuesday and Elder Crapo and I have already done two exchanges and have another one planned tomorrow. We had some pretty neat miracles these last few days that have really strengthened my faith.
      Our first exchange was in North Branch which is a little town surrounded by other littler towns. As Elder Davis and I were talking he told me that the area was having a really rough time. He said they had been finding every day and that it was getting really discouraging. I think it gets hard for some of the missionaries out in the sticks. So I asked him, Who do you want to find? He said, what do you mean? So I asked him to describe to me the person that he wanted to find. So he said, ok, I want to find someone who use to be religious, but was offended by their church, and is looking for a big change in their life. No joke, the very first door that we knocked on, a catholic lady opened the door and she was golden. She told us about how their church had gotten a new priest, and the priest had asked her kids to help in the service but didn't tell them what they were supposed to do so the kids were embarrassed in front of the whole congregation so she never went back. Then she said how she was looking for something new and we taught her the restoration and set up a return appointment for today. It was so cool to see God answer our prayers in a way like that.
     Then we had an exchange with two missionaries up in Duluth. It was so fun. I have wanted to come up to this city for my whole mission so it was neat to get to see it. It is a city built on a hill right next to the shore of Lake Superior. It has a city of around 80,000 and then a bunch of farms on the outskirts. Elder Foggin and I spent the day together and had a blast. We were teaching a lady on her porch about the plan of salvation and we started showing her the Because He Lives video from Easter. In part of the video there is some thunder and lightning and right when it did that in the video there was a lightning strike and a huge boom. Then like 10 seconds later it started pouring rain. She kept watching the video in the rain until it was over and the Spirit was so strong. She prayed to know if it was true and you could see that she had felt the Spirit. Really neat experience.
     Good luck this week and have fun. Bye :)

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